what could cause veins to be visible on one side of chest & arm & not the other side

Breast pain is a very common complaint. Pain may be sharp or slow, although some people with a chest disorder draw their awareness as discomfort, tightness, pressure, gas, burning, or aching. Sometimes people also take pain in the back, neck, jaw, upper role of the abdomen, or arm. Other symptoms, such as nausea, coughing, or difficulty breathing, may be present depending on the cause of the breast pain.

Many people are well aware that chest pain is a warning of potential life-threatening disorders and seek evaluation for minimal symptoms. Other people, including many with serious illness, minimize or ignore its warnings.

Many disorders cause chest pain or discomfort. Not all of these disorders involve the heart. Chest pain may also exist acquired past disorders of the digestive system, lungs, muscles, nerves, or basic.

Overall, the most common causes of breast pain are

  • Disorders of the ribs, rib cartilage, chest muscles (musculoskeletal breast wall hurting), or nerves in the breast

  • Undiagnosed causes that go away on their own

Some causes of chest hurting are immediately life threatening but, except for middle attack or unstable angina, are less common:

  • Heart attack or unstable angina

Other causes range from serious, potential threats to disorders that are only uncomfortable.

People with chest hurting should be evaluated past a physician. The post-obit data tin can assist people determine when evaluation is needed and help them know what to wait during the evaluation.

In people with chest hurting or discomfort, sure symptoms and characteristics are cause for concern. They include

  • Burdensome or squeezing pain

  • Shortness of breath

  • Sweating

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Pain in the back, neck, jaw, upper belly, or one of the shoulders or artillery

  • Light-headedness or fainting

  • Awareness of rapid or irregular heartbeat

Although non all causes of chest hurting are serious, considering some causes are life threatening, the following people should see a medico right away:

  • Those with new breast hurting (within several days)

  • Those who take a warning sign

  • Those who suspect that a center assault is occurring (for example, considering symptoms resemble a previous heart attack)

These people should telephone call emergency services (911) or be taken to an emergency department as quickly as possible. People should not endeavour to drive themselves to the hospital.

Chest pain that lasts for seconds (less than 30 seconds) is rarely caused by a heart disorder. People with very cursory chest pain need to meet a doctor, only emergency services are usually not needed.

People who take had chest pain for a longer time (a week or more) should see a outpatient dr. every bit soon as possible unless they develop alert signs or the pain has steadily been getting worse or coming more than often, in which case they should go to the hospital right abroad.

Doctors beginning inquire questions about the person'due south symptoms and medical history and so do a concrete examination. What they find during the history and physical examination often suggests a cause of the chest pain and the tests that may need to be done.

All the same, symptoms due to dangerous and not dangerous chest disorders overlap and vary greatly. For instance, although a typical heart attack causes irksome, burdensome chest pain, some people with a middle attack have only mild breast discomfort or complain merely of indigestion or arm or shoulder pain (referred pain—run across Figure: What Is Referred Pain? What Is Referred Hurting? What Is Referred Pain? ). On the other hand, people with indigestion may simply have an upset breadbasket, and those with shoulder hurting may have just sore muscles. Similarly, although the breast is tender when touched in people with musculoskeletal chest wall pain, the breast can also be tender in people who are having a heart attack. Thus, doctors usually exercise tests on people with breast pain.


For adults with sudden chest pain, tests are done to rule out dangerous causes. For most people, initial tests include

  • Measurement of oxygen levels with a sensor placed on a finger (pulse oximetry)

  • Electrocardiography (ECG)

  • Chest x-ray

In people who have had chest hurting for a long time, immediate threats to life are unlikely. About doctors initially practice only a chest x-ray and then practise other tests based on the person'due south symptoms and examination findings.

Specific identified disorders are treated. If the cause is non conspicuously beneficial, people are normally admitted to the hospital or an observation unit of measurement for heart monitoring and more than all-encompassing evaluation. Symptoms are treated with acetaminophen or opioids every bit needed until a diagnosis is fabricated.

  • Breast pain may be acquired by serious life-threatening disorders, so people with new chest pain (inside a few days) should become immediate medical attention.

  • The symptoms of life-threatening and not–life-threatening disorders overlap, so testing is usually needed to determine a cause.


Source: https://www.msdmanuals.com/home/heart-and-blood-vessel-disorders/symptoms-of-heart-and-blood-vessel-disorders/chest-pain

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