Xvideos I Kept Coming Over and Over Again

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Good morning,

We're covering a dispute betwixt the attorney general and some of Robert Mueller'southward investigators, the return of measles, and a report on the gruesome land of Alabama'southward prisons.

Image Attorney General William Barr, who took office in February, is permitted to release as much of the special counsel's report as he deems appropriate.

Credit... Sarah Silbiger/The New York Times

Some members of the special counsel's team have said that Attorney Full general William Barr didn't adequately portray their findings, which they said were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr has indicated, according to government officials and others familiar with the thing.

Mr. Barr has released a four-page summary of the most 400-page report, which he said found no conspiracy between Mr. Trump's entrada and Russian federation in the 2016 election. Mr. Barr has said he will move to release the total report after scrubbing it of confidential information.

The officials and others interviewed declined to provide more detail, and it is unclear how widespread the frustration is amidst Robert Mueller'due south team, which included 19 lawyers, nearly 40 F.B.I. agents and other personnel.

What's at stake: The dispute — the first evidence of tension betwixt Mr. Barr and the special counsel'due south part — could determine who shapes the public'south initial understanding of the investigation.

The Daily: In today's episode, two reporters talk over the revelations about the Mueller report.

Yesterday: The Autonomous chairman of the House Ways and Ways Committee formally requested that the I.R.S. provide six years of Mr. Trump'southward personal and concern revenue enhancement returns.

The crew of the Ethiopian Airlines flight that crashed terminal calendar month repeatedly followed the emergency procedures recommended by Boeing, the airplane's manufacturer, Ethiopia'due south transportation minister said today in explaining investigators' initial findings about the accident.

In recommending that Boeing review the aeroplane's flight control system, the minister, Dagmawit Moges, said that the 737 Max viii had experienced "repetitive, uncommanded aircraft nose-down weather," similar to those involving another Max 8 in a crash in Indonesia last year.

What'due south side by side: The findings are likely to raise scrutiny of the 737 Max, Boeing'south top-selling jets. Since the crash in Federal democratic republic of ethiopia, airlines worldwide have grounded their 737 Max fleets.


Credit... Francis R Malasig/EPA, via Shutterstock

Public wellness officials thought they had the affliction nether command. The United Nations intensified vaccination efforts in 2001, and cases plunged nearly fourscore percent worldwide from 2000 to 2016.

But two years ago, the number of cases began rising, even in countries where it had been vanquished. The biggest factor in that increase, co-ordinate to the World Health Organisation, was poverty. Well-nigh 95 percentage of a population must be immune to stop measles from spreading, simply the medical systems of many countries are too weak to vaccinate enough children every year.

Get deeper: Outbreaks in places such as Indonesia, Republic of madagascar and Venezuela have revealed shortcomings in vaccination efforts and eroded confidence in what had been considered a public health accomplishment.


Credit... William Widmer for The New York Times

The country has one of the highest incarceration rates in the U.S., and prisoners in its overcrowded and understaffed correctional organisation endure some of the highest rates of homicide and rape.

A written report issued by the Justice Department on Wednesday described "a high level of violence that is likewise common, brutal, of an unusual nature, and pervasive," and said that the country was "deliberately indifferent" and "failed to correct known systemic deficiencies."

Country officials said the written report addressed issues that Alabama was enlightened of and already working to set up.

Closer look: The Times received more ii,000 photographs taken in an Alabama prison. Very few were suitable for publication, but they offered a rare glimpse of life there.

New York has embraced the idea of congestion pricing, in which drivers will exist charged to enter the busiest parts of Manhattan. If adopted more widely, information technology could change the way Americans think almost infrastructure.

The deeply embedded cultural idea of an open road obscures the fact that the regime has heavily subsidized driving and hides the reality of who pays for it, our reporter writes.

"The roads agree such a special position in our brain that nosotros use logic around them that we would never use around everything else," said a professor of urban planning at the Academy of California, Los Angeles.

Local reaction: Various groups in New York are angling for exemptions before the policy goes into effect in 2021.


Credit... Paul Mozur/The New York Times

Kashgar, the storied city of aboriginal trade routes, lies in the western Chinese region of Xinjiang. A crackdown is underway there on ethnic minority groups — Uighurs, Kazakhs, Tajiks — who outnumber the otherwise dominant Han Chinese.

The government's cameras are everywhere, and the indicate is to intimidate equally much as it is to monitor. Iii of our reporters explored.

A "more than mindful" Joe Biden: The former vice president said in a video released Wednesday that he would be more respectful of personal infinite, afterward 4 women said that how he had touched them had fabricated them uncomfortable. Mr. Biden, who is expected to denote a presidential run, acknowledged that "social norms have begun to change" and "I get it."

Vulnerabilities at Mar-a-Lago: The arrest of a Chinese adult female carrying a malware-laced device has exposed porous security at President Trump's Florida resort.

Interior Department nominee: David Bernhardt, President Trump's option to lead the department, continued to lobby for a client several months subsequently he filed papers saying that he had ended such activities, a previously unreleased invoice shows. A Senate panel is scheduled to vote today on Mr. Bernhardt's nomination.

Punishing social media platforms: Australia passed sweeping legislation today that would, among other measures, result in jail time for executives of social media companies that neglect to speedily remove "abhorrent tearing cloth."

Pope Francis names archbishop: Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Atlanta has been selected to lead the archdiocese in Washington, where Cardinal Donald Wuerl resigned in October afterward he was named in a thousand jury report that accused church officials of covering upward sexual abuse.


Credit... Andre Grossmann/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Snapshot: Above, a study of a projection by the creative person Christo, who announced on Wed that he had received permission to wrap the Arc de Triomphe in Paris next year. It volition exist the first such project since Jeanne-Claude, his wife and artistic partner, died in 2009.

52 Places traveler: In his latest dispatch, our columnist visits the city he calls home: New York.

Belatedly-nighttime one-act: After President Trump said his father, Fred Trump, was born in Germany (he was born in New York), Trevor Noah was dislocated: "Sometimes it feels like he has an unlimited lying plan with Verizon. Similar, why lie nearly this?"

What we're reading: This Medium collection of interviews with writers almost how they paid the bills while they wrote. Concepción de León, a staff author for our Books section, recommends it, maxim: "Reading almost the jobs these writers worked — librarian, paramedic, apartment building superintendent — lifts the veil on the labor that made possible our favorite stories, aside from the labor of writing them."


Credit... Julia Gartland for The New York Times

Read: The movie has been rocking on Netflix. At present Mötley Crüe's "The Dirt" appears on our paperback nonfiction and combined print and due east-book nonfiction best-seller lists.

Smarter Living: Prove shows that you're amend off going into a task with a realistic preview, warts and all, rather than a rosy picture of what it'south like. Y'all might be a petty less excited, but on boilerplate, you end up more than productive and less likely to quit.

Besides, here'due south how to discover a sports bra that fits.

The Northward Atlantic Treaty Organisation turns 70 today.

Having tiffin in the cafeteria at NATO's headquarters in Brussels is like attending a costume political party, given the varied uniforms of the 29 members. A 30th nation, Due north Republic of macedonia, is to join soon.

The appeal is a common defense force pact that has a rejuvenated purpose: to keep Russian federation independent and Germany defended.


Credit... Associated Printing

Tensions that had seemed to diminish with the fall of the Soviet Union are back, thanks to the 2008 Georgian war, the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea and warfare in eastern Ukraine, and Russian meddling in Greece, Montenegro and other countries.

President Trump has disparaged NATO's new headquarters equally too expensive. But for this frequent company, it was a needed replacement for the ramshackle quondam construction. I once nearly lost my foot going through a rotten floor that was thrown together when Charles de Gaulle threw NATO out of French republic in 1966.

(France came dorsum to total membership 10 years ago.)

Mom was right: Consume your veggies. Poor diets were linked to one in 5 deaths, according to a major study released Wednesday.

That'southward information technology for this briefing. See you side by side fourth dimension.

— Chris and Inyoung

To Mark Josephson, Eleanor Stanford, Chris Harcum and James K. Williamson for the break from the news. Steven Erlanger, The Times'due south primary diplomatic correspondent in Europe, wrote today's Back Story. You tin can attain the team at conference@nytimes.com.

P.Due south.
• We're listening to "The Daily." Today's episode is about the special counsel'south study.
• Here's today's mini crossword puzzle, and a inkling: Where Susan Collins is senator (5 letters). You can find all our puzzles here.
• The New York Times stylebook renders NATO, similar other acronyms — abbreviations pronounced equally words — without periods.


Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/04/briefing/boeing-robert-mueller-measles.html

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