Etsy How to Upload Logo Into Profile

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Etsy is probably one of the most underrated marketplaces out at that place.

You can dovery well with it – in fact, many people from LHS sell more on there than they do on Amazon.

It's a different kind of marketplace, for sure – but once you main it you can get lots of sales. Here are some results from LHS Members (which are not necessarily typical, of course):

Etsy sales - want to make some? Here's how.

(You can open that up for a bigger version right here.)

Before you retrieve this ismerely for LHS members, though – call up that you tin can actually sell all kinds of digital products on Etsy.

Personally, I haven't spent as much fourth dimension on Etsy as I should and plan to change that in the coming months.

Because of that, I did some research and found a bunch of  things you can do on Etsy to send your sales through the roof. Even if you're a highly experienced seller, I remember you lot'll benefit from hearing about the surprising and innovative Etsy tips and hacks I've discovered. And I know some of these seem simple, but people tell me they add up in a big way.

Here are my favorite nine…

#ane: Renew Your Etsy Listings at Peak Traffic Times

With Etsy, recency matters. An article I read said that 72.92% of listings on the first page of Etsy search are i week former or less. Some of the listings were from products that were months onetime, but they had recently been renewed.

Etsy likes it when shop owners consistently add new products to their stores, every bit each product that'southward added gets a heave in its search ranking simply because of its newness. The same also applies to listings that are renewed manually.

When you renew your products, however, you lot want to be mindful of your timing. If you renew a production at 2:00 am, odds are that not many people are going to run into it, and your product's search placement boost will take been wasted.

You should renew your listings at times when your customers are most likely to be online and shopping. To discover when your shop's top traffic times are, bank check your Etsy stats. Review the last few days and check for times when spikes in views occurred.

Then, renew your products accordingly.

Who wouldn't love to discover Etsy sales tips and hacks to supercharge your sales volume?

EDIT: I institute a new tool right hither that you can use to auto-renew your most popular listings once per day. You lot go a free month of the tool just past linking your Google account, no CC needed. Information technology's definitely worth checking out.

#ii: Match Your Titles and Tags Exactly

Keywords are one of the most important things to get correct on Etsy. And according to Etsy, the title is the nearly important identify to have those keywords.

This detail hack is a big one because it's something a LOT of people miss.

Many people brand the mistake of thinking the more they type, the more traffic they'll get. This is the mutual advice for selling on Amazon.

That'south non how it works on Etsy, though.

You desire your all-time keywords (see #3 for communication on this) to be put in the championship, and and then you want to have your titles and tags friction match exactly so your list is consistent. (NOTE: your tags don't demand to be in the same order as your titles.)

One reason that titles and tags stop up being different is you have more characters to utilize in the title than yous do in the tags.

The solution? Break information technology up. Instead of saying…

Sterling Silver Celtic Cross


Sterling Cross / Silver Celtic Cross/ Celtic Cross

… and so on.

You lot have twenty characters per tag, so take reward of that and match them all up.

And speaking of titles and tags… brand sure to do what I did above and divide the tags up with some kind of divider. I used slashes, just yous could besides use dashes or commas. Any type of divider is fine every bit long as it prevents Etsy from reading it as i long word.

#3: Use Pinterest for Keyword Research

Pinterest and Etsy customers have a lot in common. They're mostly female person and they love to seek out – and buy – unique and interesting products.

That's what makes this hack and then cool. It lets you tap into Pinterest's massive audience to discover the all-time keywords to use on Etsy.

If you've ever washed a search on Pinterest, you lot know that if you beginning typing a discussion, yous get a list of suggested keywords. (The aforementioned matter happens on Google and Amazon.)

Say you lot're selling paw-made tote bags with floral designs. You lot might start typing "tote bag" to run into what comes up. From there, y'all can narrow your search.

Who wouldn't love to discover Etsy sales tips and hacks to supercharge your sales volume?

Keep in mind that the best keywords to employ on Etsy are long-tail keywords – highly descriptive phrases of three words or more.

Write down the words that fit the best and then you lot can check them out on Etsy.

Side annotation: if you'd like to go through a fantastic Pinterest course, I highly recommend this one.

#iv: Add together Store Info and Shop Owner Pictures

This next idea qualifies as a hack considering it's a relatively new feature on Etsy and many store owners oasis't taken advantage of it withal.

In addition to the images you upload to showcase your products, you demand to take the following:

  1. A shop owner picture
  2. A shop info epitome

Who wouldn't love to discover Etsy sales tips and hacks to supercharge your sales volume?

The shop possessor pic should exist a motion-picture show of you. Information technology'southward a way of giving your shop a personal look and experience and of letting people know that you're a real person.

The shop info image is usually your business logo. It's a visual representation of your business and what you take to offer and it appears in a bunch of places when Etsy lists your store.

Make sure to use beautiful, clear images for both of these profile elements and you'll exist able to increase your brand recognition.

#5: List Your Products on Pinterest, As well

This is a big one. Why? Because it can exponentially increment traffic to your Etsy store.

I already told you there'southward a natural overlap betwixt Pinterest and Etsy and this is where you tin can really brand information technology pay off.

On Pinterest, upload images of your products that include a live link to your store. Exist sure to say in the image description that the product is available on Etsy. You should also include a bones clarification of the production and as many relevant keywords as you can fit. If you're not sure on the best ways to do this, I recommend going through this form.

Who wouldn't love to discover Etsy sales tips and hacks to supercharge your sales volume?

Y'all might get a small increase in traffic when you originally postal service the prototype, specially if you already have a big Pinterest following.


Where things really get interesting is in the long run. Pinterest images final forever, unlike posts on Facebook or Twitter. Pinterest images don't get lost in the shuffle because they stay on your boards where anybody tin admission them.

This means that three months… six months… or even a twelvemonth downwardly the line… someone can notice your image, pin it, and just like that, your product appears in front of a whole new audition.

Not only will you go sales as a event, only the increased traffic makes Etsy send even more traffic your way. Etsy chooses which shops to highlight based on perceived interest. And trust me, if y'all're getting 100 hits or more than a day from Pinterest, Etsy will notice!

#half-dozen: Join an Etsy Pinterest Grouping

In addition to listing your Etsy products on Pinterest, yous tin bring together an Etsy pinning board where a variety of Etsy sellers come together to pivot each other'due south products as a way of increasing their traffic and exposure.

Yous can apply to the Etsy "Pin it upwards!" grouping here.

The group doesn't have whatsoever specific prerequisites for joining; all Etsy sellers are welcome. All you lot have to do is pivot another member's product at least in one case a calendar week after you join the team.

Who wouldn't love to discover Etsy sales tips and hacks to supercharge your sales volume?

#vii: Partner with Other Etsy Shops

If there's another store that has a similar expect and feel as your shop or one that sells something that complements your products (eastward.k. if you sell necklace and bracelet chains and another shop sells charms), go far touch via the "Ask a question" push button and see if y'all tin can form a relationship.

In doing so, you could help each other by promoting each other's products on social media or offering exclusive deals on each other's products.

Who wouldn't love to discover Etsy sales tips and hacks to supercharge your sales volume?

#eight: Preemptively Respond Questions about Your Products

Recall of any questions your customers may have about your products and reply as many of those questions as you tin can upfront. A expert place to exercise so is in your products' descriptions.

This way, you minimize friction when it comes to any potential anticipation your customers may experience almost purchasing your products. For instance, if y'all sell jewelry, you should detail things like what the jewelry is made of, how long the necklace and bracelet chains are, et cetera.

#nine: Monitor Your Conversion Rates

Etsy monitors each production's conversion rate and displays the products that become the most sales. Etsy wants to brand money, obviously, so it's in their best interest to display the products that get the most sales.

A 1% conversion charge per unit is considered boilerplate.

To calculate your listing's conversion rate, go into your Stats and carve up the total number of sales a list had during a certain fourth dimension frame (i.e. 30 days) by the total number of views the listing had during that same time frame, then multiply past 100.

For example, let'south have this mug:

Etsy sales - want to make some? Here's how.

It had 1 social club and 5 visits, and i/5 = .2 *100 = 20% conversion rate.

Your Etsy shop's conversion rates can be negatively affected by numerous factors. For case…

  • If your product costs more than the average listing in its category
  • If your product appears for irrelevant keywords
  • If your shop has bad reviews or no reviews at all
  • If your store and products have lackluster photos
  • If your products are listed in categories that are on the pricier side by default (east.m. date rings).

Of course information technology can bepositivelyimpacted by the opposite of these things.

If you lot're seeing less than a 1% conversion, it's worth checking into these factors.

BONUS: Go 40 free listings

I almost forgot to tell you – if you sign up here y'all'll go 40 free listings from Etsy.

They're ordinarily $.20 apiece, so not a huge expense – but hey, you may as well become the free $8 – especially if you plan on post-obit #1 and are going to be renewing your listings frequently. :)

I promise yous found value in this post. If y'all're an Etsy seller and have another hack or tip you lot'd like to share, please tell me virtually it in the comments department.

Who wouldn't love to discover Etsy sales tips and hacks to supercharge your sales volume?

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