The best creative person is not necessarily the best teacher. That's the most important thing you should recollect when preparing for your interview.

Certainly it is a expert idea to bring some of your best works with you (ideally showcasing unlike techniques of work, some drawings, paintings, sculptures, or at least their pictures). You tin can even prepare a professional work portfolio if you want. But this won't decide about your success or failure. Your interview answers will.

In this article I will analyze some questions, including both personal and behavioral questions (the second ones are more difficult).

It should assistance you empathise what they expect to hear from you (as a expert candidate for art instruction job), and prepare some skilful reply upfront. Let'due south kickoff!

Why do you want to work as an art teacher?

You should not say that y'all enjoy cartoon, or painting, or creating. If that's your passion, you should have go an artist, and non an art teacher. Perhaps y'all wanted to, merely didn't make the cut (just like 99% of our population), and ended upward applying for the teaching job. But this should not exist your answer.

Focus on your dearest for instruction, and for children. You lot would honey to help children develop their creative skills, observe their inner potential. You'd love to guide them on their fascinating journey in the globe of creation.

And you consider yourself a adept teacher, and know a technique or two. You accept an agreement for the emotions and wishes of children, which makes from you lot a skillful candidate for the job. These are the reasons interviewers want to hear about.

Please tell the states something most your experience.

Finally an opportunity to showcase your portfolio. Remember that it is amend to see something in one case than to hear well-nigh it a thousand times. Show them your best works (or pictures of them), only practice not boast nigh the recognition or awards y'all got for your work.

Tell rather about different techniques yous used, and how this can be transferred to the classroom environment. Of grade if you taught before (at school, private courses, anywhere else), you should mention this experience, including the awards and accolades your students received.

You should always show positive emotions, and passion for both your creative piece of work and instruction. The members of the hiring committee should get an impression that you enjoy educational activity and everything that belongs to it.

nice colorful set of painting and drawing tools on the table

We walk into the classroom in the middle of your lesson. What will we run across?

Merely don't say that they will run across you standing in front of the students, delivering some boring lesson of theory. Oppositely, say that they will run across students working passionately on their drawings and designs, while y'all will be walking from chair to chair, giving advise, helping, praising them for their work.

You tin also talk well-nigh emotions and atmosphere they will experience while walking into the classroom in the middle of the lesson–excitement, joy, concentration…

What are your favorite teaching methods?

The right respond hither really depends on the philosophy of their educational establishment, the type of classes they run, number of students in each class, topics they endeavor to encompass during ane semester, and and then on.

Only yous can always mention more pedagogy methods, and say that you exercise not have a favorite one, and will adjust your choice to the situation in the classroom, and the lesson.  Mentioning some artistic and unorthodox methods (such equally learning by playing) is highly recommended in interviews for art teacher positions.

Special Tip: Desire to see 7 sample answers to this question and to all other twoscore questions y'all may face up in your interview for whatsoever teaching task? Check out my eBook, the Teacher Interview Guide, streamline your interview training, and get the job. Brand sure they do non surprise you with anything on the large twenty-four hours…

How practice feel most having students with special needs in your classroom?

Special education is a big topic nowadays, non just in the US. Ensure the interviewers that y'all support inclusion, and welcome students with special needs in your classes.

Surely, you may demand an banana in certain cases (severe disability, or too many students with special needs), but you also understand the amazing benefits art can have on students with disabilities.

Yous can fifty-fifty say that in opposite to other subjects, such as Math or Chemistry, special needs students tin actually attain the same results as ordinary students when it comes to creative work, or they tin can practice even better.

Special Tip: You tin can also download all questions in a one page long PDF, print it, and practice your interview answers anytime later:

interview questions for art teachers, PDF

Why did you apply for an art teacher job in our school (constitute), and not somewhere else?

You should praise them for something. Maybe an individual approach they apply in the fine art classes, or the all-time ateliers, or creative environment where both students and teachers can thrive. One fashion or another, they should go an impression that they are your first choice.

Some other culling is referring to a personal recommendation (from a primary, 1 of the fine art teachers working at schoolhouse, etc), or to some other connection you have with the school (you lot studied there, your children attend the classes, etc).

And if you cannot discover any amend reason, y'all tin can always refer to a convenient traffic connectedness, or simply to a adept location of the schoolhouse.

two girls discuss something in a leisury art class

How would you deal with a disruptive student?

You can showtime your answer by maxim that y'all will try to brand the lessons engaging and interesting for the students, minimizing the likelihood of disruptive beliefs.

Even so, equally you certainly know from your didactics feel (or will learn before long), in reality there is always at to the lowest degree one student who tries to spoil the morale in the classroom.

Say that you would attempt to sympathise their reasons. Don't they enjoy the classes? Practice they experience any issues in their personal life? You may also suggest consulting school psychologist or counselor, or maybe their parents, trying to find more information. Once you empathise the reasons for their behavior, you will attempt to address them.

And if your best efforts fail (which volition ofttimes exist the example), you will either suggest a disciplinary activity, or try to involve schoolhouse psychologist or other professional in the process of remedying the state of affairs.

In whatever example, you will try your best, becasue the last thing you desire to see is a single student spoiling the atmosphere in the entire classroom…

Other questions yous may face up in your art teacher interview

  • What do y'all await from the school principal and other administrators?
  • How do you imagine a typical 24-hour interval at this school?
  • What do you consider the toughest aspect of instruction?
  • Tell us about a disharmonize yous had with i of your colleagues in the past?
  • Where exercise you come across yourself in v years from now?
  • How do yous feel near using technology in your art classes? Exercise you lot think it is a good idea?
  • How do you program to involve parents in the teaching of your pupils?
  • Do yous have any questions?

Determination and adjacent steps

Getting a job of an art instructor isn't the most difficult thing in the earth. You lot typically won't compete with many other candidates, and you lot won't face many tough behavioral questions (simply a few, if whatsoever).

Still, you nevertheless need to testify the correct attitude to your work with children, and convince them of your readiness for this interesting job. Read my hints in one case once more, and try to prepare a skilful respond to each question from this article.

Once done, do not forget to read other articles on to proceed your interview grooming:

  • Elementary Teacher interview questions – trying to become a job at an simple school? Acquire what questions you lot may face.
  • Guide on how to overcome interview nerves – Feeling anxious? You lot do not have to…
  • Interview attire special tips – Selection the right clothes to article of clothing for your interview.
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