All You Need to Know to Get a Girlfriend

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​​Living the unmarried life tin can exist fun, but at a certain point, you might want to go a girlfriend. Easier said than done, right? Actually, you lot've got a improve chance at getting a girlfriend than you think! From online dating to approaching girls IRL, we'll walk you lot through the all-time strategies to beginning finding and flirting with the girl of your dreams. Read on for a consummate guide on meeting new girls, improving your flirting game, and landing more dates with the daughter you like.

  1. one

    Hint that you want a appointment by request her to practice a fun activeness. This will show her you're interested without you having to directly state information technology. Mention the activity and ask her if she's interested in it. If she says yes, suggest you hang out. If she'southward not interested, suggest something you know she likes. If she still says she's non interested, it'due south best to move on.[1]

    • For instance, say, "The championship game is coming up and I'm thinking about going. Are you lot interested?"
    • As another instance, say, "It's been forever since I went bowling. How about yous?"
  2. 2

    Be direct and ask for a engagement if you feel dauntless. Beingness direct is the best way to become a appointment, though you may exist rejected. Tell the girl that you're interested in going out with her, then suggest a date.[2]


  3. three

    Make her experience special on the date by showing her attention. Your date is your chance to make a proficient impression on her. Be overnice to her, and give her your full attention the entire time. Hither are some ways to evidence her you care:[3]

    • Go on your phone put away.
    • Ask her a lot of questions.
    • Look her in the center while she's talking.
    • Ask her how she's doing.
    • Give her compliments.
  4. 4

    Ask her for a second date at the end of the dark. Allow her know you had a proficient fourth dimension and want to run across her again. Then, follow-up after your appointment with a text or telephone call to let her know you had a skilful time.[4]

    • Say, "I'd dearest to take you out again."
    • You can also enquire for the second date later, if you lot prefer. For instance, you might text her afterwards to say you lot had a expert time and inquire for the 2nd appointment.
    • If you're an adult, it may be best to look a few days.
  5. 5

    Spend time on her to help your human relationship grow. How much time you spend together in person volition depend on how erstwhile your are and your personal schedule. Text her daily to continue in touch, and interact on social media, if you both use information technology. Do your best to schedule regular dates or hangouts, even if you're just seeing each other at school. Additionally, make an effort to sit down past her when you're in a class or event together.[5]

    • You lot'll likely continue a few dates or message each other for awhile before you ask her to be your girlfriend. Try to be patient because rushing things can push her abroad.
    • Talking, texting, and hanging out together will help you lot deepen your connexion with her, which can aid you get her to be your girlfriend.
  6. 6

    Ask her to be your girlfriend in person when yous feel ready. Bring her somewhere y'all can exist lonely, and then let her know that you lot actually like her. Tell her that you promise y'all can be exclusive, then ask if she'll be your girlfriend.[vi]

    • Say, "I have and so much fun with you, and I think it's fourth dimension that we brand this official. Will you be my girlfriend?"
  7. 7

    Text her to see if she'll be your girlfriend if you're shy. Texting is a cracking option for expressing your involvement without having to face her personally. Type out how you feel about her, then ask her to be your girlfriend. Don't text her again until y'all get a response.[7]

    • Yous might say, "These past few weeks take been astonishing. Wanna go far official and be my girlfriend?"
  8. viii

    Stay calm and respect her feelings if she says no. While rejection feels terrible, it'southward something everyone goes through. Remind yourself that she likely isn't trying to hurt your feelings, and she may accept reasons that have nothing to do with you. Take her answer gracefully, then reach out to someone who cares about you for support.[8]

    • Say, "I empathise. Thanks for being honest with me."
    • If you don't desire to talk to someone about your feelings, do something agile, like going for a run, that can help you cope with your emotions.


  1. 1

    Wear dress that make you feel good about yourself. Go through your closet and selection out clothes that fit you lot well. Show off who yous are, such equally your interests or personality. This will help you feel confident virtually yourself and so you tin put your best pes forward.[9]

    • Don't worry well-nigh your body blazon because everyone is attractive in their own way.
    • For instance, pick something like a concert t-shirt and jeans, a button-upward shirt and khakis, or leather and denim. If you're more effeminate, you might pick pastels or floral prints.
    • You might show off your interests past wearing t-shirts featuring your favorite bands or sports jerseys from your favorite team.
  2. ii

    Do expert personal hygiene to make yourself more appealing. Bathe at least once a day, brush your teeth twice a day, and utilize personal care products like deodorant. Additionally, brand sure your clothes are washed. This will help you appear your best and will show girls that you take adept care of yourself.[10]

    • Yous don't need to douse yourself in cologne or do whatsoever manscaping, unless that'due south what you want.
  3. 3

    Do fun activities or a hobby so you seem interesting. Brand a list of things you similar to do and topics that interest yous. And then, exercise at least one fun matter every twenty-four hour period. This will aid yous enjoy your life more and volition bear witness girls that you're an interesting person.[11]

    • For instance, learn to play an instrument, join a sports team, take upwardly painting, or bring together a pub quiz squad.

    Tip: After yous're in a relationship, information technology's important that y'all go along these hobbies. A good for you relationship allows both people to spend time working on themself.

  4. iv

    Be comfy with being solitary so you announced confident. If you seem desperate and needy, yous may have a hard time making a connection with people. Await for ways to be happy while you're single. Spend time doing things that interest you, and enjoy your time with friends. Don't make finding a relationship the nearly important thing in your life.[12]

    • List reasons why it'due south skilful to be single then yous don't experience bad. For instance, you get to spend more than time with your friends, you have more than time for your hobbies, and y'all can talk to unlike girls to see what you lot like.
    • People are more attracted to you lot when y'all seem happy with your life, so this can assist you get a girlfriend.


  1. 1

    Ask your friends to innovate yous to girls they know. Your friends probable know girls they could introduce you to, and this is a common manner for people to see. Go your friends to arrange grouping outings and then you can run across their female friends.[13]

    Variation: On social media, collaborate with girls who comment on your friends' posts. Answer to the comments to see if the girl volition talk to you. If she does, friend or follow her.

  2. two

    Join clubs or teams to meet girls at schoolhouse. Look for an afterwards school club that sounds fun or try out for a sports team. Attend club meetings, events, or games to meet more people. Attempt to make friends with girls you lot meet and so that yous can discover a potential girlfriend.[14]

    • If you find a daughter y'all similar, invite her to do something club- or team-related so yous can spend time together. For example, let's say yous're in debate club together. You might say, "Do yous want to encounter at the java shop tomorrow to compare cases?"
  3. 3

    Nourish events to meet more girls. If you're in school, go to events like school dances, football game games, and plays. As another selection, go to local events similar concerts, festivals, or meetups to run into girls. Try to make friends with the girls yous meet by starting a conversation about the event.[15]

    • If a girl doesn't seem to want to talk, move on to a different girl. Eventually, yous'll make a new friend.
    • You lot can find public events on Facebook,, or local news sites.
  4. iv

    Offering to help a daughter with something. Doing a girl a favor can be a good icebreaker to introduce yourself. Observe if a girl seems to be struggling with something, then offer your aid. If she accepts your assist, introduce yourself and run into if she'll talk to you.[16]

    • Say, "I'1000 Alex. How's your day going?"
    • They may not desire to talk, and that's okay. If they say thank y'all and desire to get out, just say, "You're welcome" and walk away.
  5. 5

    Attempt online dating if you're 18 or older. The great part well-nigh outline dating is that everyone is there for the aforementioned reason. Message girls who take similar interests to you, and chat with them a bit before asking them out for java.[17]

    • Keep in mind that it's normal to message a lot of girls earlier someone responds. Try not to take it personally because everyone experiences the same thing.


  1. 1

    Ask questions to larn more than near a daughter who interests you. Talk to her near herself, and show genuine interest in her reply. Nod forth as she talks, and ask follow upward questions to acquire more. This will show her that y'all're interested in who she is equally a person.[eighteen]

    • Ask questions like, "What do yous like to exercise for fun?" "What are your goals for the next v years?" or "What's the funniest thing that'south e'er happened to you?"
  2. 2

    Focus on girls who have things in mutual with you lot. A girl volition be more interested in being your girlfriend if you have things in common. Pick girls who accept similar interests, hobbies, or personality traits every bit you lot do. They don't need to be exactly like you, but it's important to have common ground.[nineteen]

    • For instance, you might both play the aforementioned instrument or both enjoy athletics.
    • Don't pretend to accept something in common with a girl to get her attention. This usually backfires considering she'll eventually realize you were non forthright.
  3. 3

    Give 18-carat compliments to girls who involvement you. This volition make her experience skillful well-nigh herself and it shows her you lot may be interested in beingness more than friends. Tell her something nice about herself and try not to focus on her body. Simply requite 1 compliment at a time so she doesn't get uncomfortable.[20]

    • You lot might say, "Keen answer in class today," "Your functioning was amazing!" or "This t-shirt is awesome."
  4. 4

    Show off your sense of humor by telling jokes and stories. Everyone likes to laugh, and so using sense of humour tin can make a girl like you lot more. Learn a few jokes from the Internet and think most the funniest things that have happened to you lot. When yous're around the girl you lot like, share these funny tidbits with her or your grouping of friends.[21]

    • Fifty-fifty bad jokes can be funny if you commit to the punchline. Don't exist afraid to laugh at your own jokes and just be lightheaded.


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    What should I enquire a girl to impress her?

    Jessica Engle, MFT, MA

    Jessica Engle is a relationship coach and psychotherapist based in the San Francisco Bay Surface area. She founded Bay Area Dating Motorcoach in 2009, afterward receiving her Master's in Counseling Psychology. Jessica is also a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Registered Drama Therapist with over 10 years of experience.

    Jessica Engle, MFT, MA

    Human relationship Coach

    Skilful Reply

    It'southward groovy to ask a mixture of questions about her life and background, along with deeper questions well-nigh her values and dreams.

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VideoRead Video Transcript

  • Focus on living a life that you lot enjoy rather than on getting a girlfriend. This will help yous observe love better than trying to strength a human relationship with someone.

  • Don't attempt to rush into a relationship. A good for you relationship takes time to grow and develop into something existent.

  • If she has a partner, don't effort to break them up.

  • Don't exercise also much for a girl you're trying to date if she's not putting in the same amount of attempt. She may not be interested in you, and then it's best to move on.[22]


  • Don't talk about past relationships. This is a no-no and a sure plough-off. You will only projection the impression that you are unable to let become.

  • Don't get mad at her if she rejects you. Everyone has a right to their own feelings.


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Article Summary X

To get a girlfriend, ask a girl yous like out on a engagement by saying something like, "Want to hang out this weekend?" or "There's this really great motion picture that's out, want to become come across it?" It's totally normal to exist nervous, but attempt to look confident! When you're hanging out, compliment her and try to make her laugh then she has a good time. If things go well, ask her to hang out again! As you lot go to know each other, ask questions about her interests and shoot her occasional texts when you're non together to develop your relationship. And then, once you think you lot know her well, enquire her to be your girlfriend! For tips on what to do if she turns you down, read on!

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